Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 11

Well, my day began with me feeling sick at my stomach about the fact that Husband had received the decree papers, and I couldn't help but worry how he would respond. And the day ended- well at least my work day ended- with sweet baby Son almost breaking his nose in a fall. Doctor said he cracked the cartilage, and it should heal without any major problems. However, in between the beginning and the end was today's lesson.

I have spent much of my life asking those I love to pray for me about things that seem quite trivial now. I realize that no prayer- or prayer request- is too small, but I also know that sometimes it's much harder to be open and raw enough to ask people to pray for the real stuff. You know, the deep down either, "God can not or will not answer this," or, "Christians aren't supposed to have this kind of problem" prayers. I am completely guilty of wanting to keep those things to myself, and justifying my desire by assuming I can pray about it enough alone.

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matt. 18:19-20
--Jesus explained the importance of praying WITH each other and FOR each other during His life on earth. Who am I to think that this advice should be taken lightly or should only apply to the prayers I'm not embarrassed to ask for? Isn't this just part of having a growing relationship with Christ? We must humble ourselves enough to know that our focus should be much less on independence and much more on God-dependence. Depending on God sometimes requires us to depend on His followers to help pray us through the most difficult trials in our lives.

"After they had prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke God's word without fear." Acts 4:31
--God does powerful things when a group of people pray. I experienced this first-hand two years ago when Daughter was facing some disturbing health problems. One test after another came back inconclusive, specialists were baffled, and we were trying to prepare for the worst. We started begging people to pray for her precious little body, and I saw my two year old go from sick to healthy right before my eyes with no explanation. Well, we all knew the explanation must have been that God heard all those prayers. My children have since been healthy and safe, and I thank God every day for the work I know He did in that situation.
--Now, as I have finally been open about my marital struggles, my legal battles, and my utter inability to seek forgiveness alone, I can see God shaking things again. So far, the paperwork that Husband received yesterday is looking reasonable to him, so I ask you all to keep praying for his signature on those dotted lines. And, though this process has already been more challenging than I could have imagined, I know that God is changing my heart with the help of your prayers. So let's keep lifting each other up, and let's all strive to utilize the faithful prayer warriors we have in our lives by being honest with them.


  1. Oh, I'm praying so hard for you, sweet friend. And I've been there, at the foot of the throne and scared for what the answer might be. But L.'s health is a remembrance stone. Remember what God has done for her--and will do for you.

  2. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to pray alongside you. I am expecting to see God move and work - the tallest mountain He may be moving might be in you and even in us.

  3. I'm praying for you and with you. You are so dear to me.
